Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Networking Sites

The four social networking sites I visited were Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Although these four sites are all deemed "social networking" sites, they give off very different impressions.

Facebook: Gives off the impression of what a social networking site really should be. It puts a great emphasis on building connections with friends or people that you may have things in common with. Reminds of the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory.

Myspace: Similar to Facebook but for a younger generation. The format and layout of Myspace in comparison to Facebook seems more targeted towards a younger demographic. Myspace reminds me of a online dating website for young teens where as Facebook reminds me of a site like used to reconnect with people.

Twitter: Twitter is the new thing. It limits what users can write to 140 characters which can somewhat be frustrating. I do believe that the layout and format of twitter allows for it to be the most interactive social networking site of the four.

LinkedIn: Something that has become my become my good friend within the last year. LinkedIn is like the grown up version of Facebook. You get to network with professionals in your field, and you get to post recommendations for your peers and vice versa. LinkedIn gives off a more professional vibe and allows for users to interact with individuals in the corporate world that they might otherwise not have a chance to. i also love how LinkedIn has a feature that shows your degree of connection to other people.

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