Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog v. Wiki

Blogs and wikis have many differences and similarities. Blogs are know to be more personal and act as a way for people to express their feelings and thoughts freely. As seen in the NY Times article, people can speak freely about anything. Blogs serve as a window into the personal lives of bloggers.
According to Wikipedia, wiki's are websites where multiple users can add, edit, or delete content using their web browser. With that said, blogs have a exclusivity trait to it that's a bit intriguing. With wiki's, the experience is less personal but more focused. Both are similar in the sense that they are leaning toward this idea of collaborative social networking. I personally work on a blog where I collaborate with 3 other girls. It is with this point that I think that the idea of wikis and blogs are somewhat merging. The idea that multiple users can edit one single page shows how society and social media is changing. By examining blogs and wikis, we can see that it is becoming more interactive amongst the community.

I've never used a wiki before so it's a new experience for me to log in and edit knowing that there are at least 20 other users editing the same pages as I am. I can't particularly pinpoint one way that wikis can evolve but I can definitely that wikis will change the way information is found. The information is not always reliable, but it's always there with sources to back it up.

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